How to Use Medicare.Gov for Part D
Whether you are just getting started on Medicare, or reviewing your coverage every year during Open Enrollment in the Fall, one of the most important things to do is to make sure that you have the best coverage for your prescriptions each year. Pretty much the only way to do this, is to use the Official Government site for Medicare at
Whether you are comparing Part D plans to go along with Original Medicare and your Medigap Supplement, or comparing drug coverage on Medicare Advantage Plans, follow the steps in the video below for guidance.
Medicare Explained in 10 Minutes!
As of this post, March 25th, 2020 I could not see people in person for 2 months! Normally I see you face to face at your home, a restaurant, library, my house or wherever. I have been going to meet with people since the lockdown was lifted. I wear a mask and keep my distance. If that is not suitable I will talk to you on the phone, zoom or skype, or communicate via e-mail and text. But just to get things started, this is pretty much my explanation of how it all works as you go ON Medicare. As mentioned, I do have my cheat sheet, which I normally leave with people after explaining things, as it helps you “see” how it all works. Again, this is just a starting point, to help you start to understand the wonderful and confusing world of Medicare. Reach out to me directly at (717) 468-0130.
Medicare Explained in 10 Minutes
My Favorite Medicare Myth!
There are many myths about Medicare, or maybe just misunderstandings. My favorite, or probably just the one I hear most of all is:
“You have to sign up for Medicare 3 months before your 65th birthday, or you get penalized!”
Oh boy, where do I begin to debunk this myth? As long as you have “creditable” coverage elsewhere, typically from your own employment or your spouse’s employment, there will never be a penalty for signing up for Medicare later, even well past your 65th birthday. So, you do not have to sign up for Medicare. Not even Part A, the “free” part.
When you are approaching the age of 65, you’re mailbox gets stuffed with promotional offers about Medicare Insurance Plans, like Medigap Supplemental Insurance, Medicare Advantage Plans and Prescription Drug Plans. (None are as informative, clever and humorous as mine, of course) The funny thing is, none of these mailings are from Medicare, unless you are already collecting Social Security. That’s right! If you are not yet collecting your monthly retirement benefit from Social Security, you will not receive a single thing in the mail from the Government, telling you what you have to do (or don’t have to do) regarding Medicare! Weird, right?
Myths are widely held beliefs, or false ideas. Medicare has been around for over 50 years. I don’t know who started this one, but it’s spread around for decades, “You have to sign up for Medicare 3 months before your 65th birthday, or you get penalized!” There CAN be a penalty, it’s just that few people end up owing it. If you wait to enroll in Medicare past age 65, for every 12 month period you did not have Part B, and did not have creditable coverage, you will pay 10% more for Part B for the rest of your life. But, as previously stated, the likely reason to delay taking Part B, is because you DO have creditable coverage.
And…NO…you do NOT have to let Social Security or Medicare know that you are NOT going on Medicare at 65.
If you are still puzzled by what you HAVE to do with Medicare as you are nearing 65, call me (717) 468-0130, call Medicare (1-800-MEDICARE) or call Social Security (1-800-772-1213).