A Weems Family Yard Sale!
It was time for the annual Lincoln Gardens/Countryside Estates Yard Sale on Saturday. Kate & Nathan wanted to raise some money to buy more stuff. Kate wants a camera. Nathan wants a million things. Lori wanted no part of this. The kids and I made chocolate chip cookies and brownies to sell too. Witness the goodies we had.
They each made 31 bucks.
If Only My Bowling Score Was This High!
Met with Dr. Calusic today to review my bloodwork. Cholesterol was 231. That’s within a strike of my all time bowling score! Triglycerides 158. My good cholesterol was solid, but those other 2 make me borderline high.
He prescribed a little brown bill to take every day. Need to lose more weight and excercise 45 minutes a day 6 days a week. But the killer is…no white flour, no white sugar! Come on! Those 2 are like cigarettes and alcohol to me…24 hours without either will have me on the kitchen floor in the fetal position crying for Little Debbie.
Doc is looking for me to have that Triglyceride number BELOW 100 in 3 months! The Ephrata McDonalds will have me declared a missing person!
I’ve got 90 days to hit my numbers. P-90X again? Man I don’t know!
Boomchakalakas Undefeated!
That’s the name of the Ephrata U-10 girls soccer team I coach. The name was selected after the girls couldn’t agree on another name, so I gave them 20 suggestions, and this one won by virtue of being the silliest.
After coaching Nathan 3x and Kate twice I was looking forward to a season off from the sidelines, but it was not to be. Luckily I have a group with talent and brains that play together, and despite the rainy weather limiting us to just 3 practices, we are 3-0.
Kate scored 2 of our 4 goals against a feisty Pequea Valley team yesterday. She was sleep deprived from a birthday party sleepover, and had a belly full of pizza from lunch, but played her best game ever. Go Figure. She has even been stong in goal, where once she was a nightmare. Unless your kid LIKES to play goalie, watching it happen is often painful.
Yeh, I know it’s not supposed to be about wins and losses, but let me tell you, even at age 5 they know who wins and who loses. At age 10, they definitely have more fun winning than losing, as does their coach! Boomchakalaka, Boomchakalaka, Boomchakalaka!
The Green Dragon & Islamic Terrorists?
Gee what a shocker…people selling counrefeit merchandise at the Green Dragon Flea Market in Ephrata! I’m sure the vast mjority of goods sold are legit, but how can some bogus stuff ever be kept out? But that’s not the headline.
We have become conditioned to be fearful of anyone with a Middle Eastern surname, so when the published names of the 10 or so arrested for selling knock-off Nikes and illegitmate designer goods, the dots were connected and the notion was raised that the profits made could be funding terrorists home and abroad. Whattya think?
It’s possible. At Wachovia we were force fed course after course on due diligence, and this was a common topic of suspicious activity, that a pattern of deposits from any individual or business could actually be a trickle leading to a stream of funding a group with more than just commerce on their minds.
Sunday Basketball
As you look back on your life what regrets do you. Of course you immediately think of career path and relationship choices. But go micro for a second. What small things would you change?
I’m freshly showered from 90+ minutes of basketball at the Ephrata Rec. It’s pickup every Sunday for guys 30 to 50. Because of church obligations I can’t make it every week, but when I do play I absolutley love it.
At 47 I’m heartsick over the fact that I didn’t play hoops for many years. Between 18 and 40 I rarely played, save for one year when we had a team at WLAN. Now, playing pick up or league ball for the last 7 years, I wish I had played during my 20’s and 30’s, to see what a lighter Weems with younger muscles and organs could have done. Nonetheless, it is an awesome workout, supreme calorie burn and just a blast, the highlight my week from a selfish, personal point of view.
So, what playful regret do YOU have?