How Many Phone Calls About Medicare do YOU Get???
If you still have a “land line” phone in your home, chances are very good that agents or telemarketers from insurance companies will call you repeatedly to pitch their Medicare Insurance product(s) to you. They call from all over the country: Texas, Oregon, Florida, etc.
They don’t leave messages. Do you know why they don’t? They know you won’t call them back!
Over 95% of the time when I meet with people to explain options with Medicare Insurance, it is in their home. I have no problem driving up to an hour from my house in Ephrata to where my clients live, typically somewhere in Lancaster, Berks or Lebanon County. It is not uncommon for such phone solicitations to happen 2 or 3 times in the hour that I am in their house!
Some people, in a moment of weakness, or purely by accident, actually answer one of these calls. Shockingly, some people, some really otherwise intelligent people, buy whatever the person on the other end of the line is selling! Now, some of these agents who solicit over the phone, may actually know what they’re talking about. Some may actually be brokers, and can offer multiple companies as options.
I feel the decisions to be made about your health insurance for the REST OF YOUR LIFE is a little too important to be made over the phone, with anyone, let alone someone on the other end of an 800 Number.
The phone IS necessary…to set up a time to get together face to face, one on one. I DO NOT SOLICIT BY PHONE, I only use the mailbox. I will certainly call you back, but you’ve got to start the ball rolling by calling me first at (717) 468-0130.
I hope to hear from you soon!
You Look Comfortable!
With a warm smile, that’s what a new client said to me today, “You look comfortable!”
Yes it was another sunny September day in scenic Lancaster County, 10 am, first appointment of the week and I was well rested and ready to go. However I think it had more to do with the contentment and joy in doing what I do. Perhaps some of it is being completely confident in what I do. I meet over 500 NEW people each year. I’ve met with THOUSANDS of people about Medicare insurance. The basics are the same, the presentation is the same, but the people are all different. Each person is an individual, so each time it feels brand new, and it’s fun!
The Joy of a Colonoscopy!
Oh what a blast it is turning 50! I hit the big 5-oh back in December. Three days after my birthday I had foot surgery to remove a planters wart from the ball of my left foot. Now, 6-7 weeks later it finally feels as good as new. This ends nearly 6 months of nagging pain with this stupid wart. But that’s another story.
One of the things recommended for anyone turning 50 is to have a preventive colonoscopy. I had a sigmoidoscopy done about 10 years ago, and that’s a completely different violation of the human body which can only be experienced to fully understand. There is no pain with the colonoscopy, the discomfort is in the “prep”. And I might also add, a liquid diet the day before the procedure no party, even though I could have milkshakes all day!
The day before your procedure and the morning of your procedure, you must chug a quart of liquid that tastes like, and has the thickness of, lemon fresh Joy dishwashing liquid. My brand was called MoviPrep. It is almost comic in its efficiency. About 45 minutes after the first 8oz gulp of this goop you think a volcano is going to erupt in your belly. And it does. Many times over the next hour. Then peace reigns, until assault part 2 begins the next morning!
After part 2, your colon is picked cleaner than Cindy Lou Who’s house on Christmas Eve after the Grinch got done with it! By the time I was in Ephrata Hospital ready to be wheeled into the OR, I couldn’t wait to be put under by the anasthesia, because I was so insanely hungry I pondered eating my own fingers!
God only knows what kind of jokes the doctor and staff are cracking while the roto rooter is trolling your intestines, because you are OUT. I remember rolling over on my side and then waking up in recovery about an hour later.
They found polyps, as they did 10 years ago. Almost 4 weeks since my colonoscopy and I haven’t heard anything about the diagnostics on the polyps. I’m mildy concerned about the polyps themselves, more concerned about the bill! Because I checked with my insurance carrier before the procedure. As a “screening” it’s at no cost as a provision of health care reform. However, if they find polyps, it’s diagnostic and the free part is thrown out the window. Or so I’m told, we’ll see. I will report on it when I see it.
Did I mention I got my AARP card?
Father’s Day 2011
It’s Father’s Day 2011. I became a father a week short of my 37th birthday. In my mind, a man at 37 is probably fairly well established in his chosen profession, and secure in all things financial. Three months after Kate was born, I was let go from my chosen field, little did I know at the time that I’d be out for good. Staying in broadcasting would likely have meant a move out of town, probably out of state. Been there, done that, and didn’t want to do it again, especially with a family in tow.
Unemployment gave me 6 months as a Mr. Mom and a special introduction to fatherhood. I certainly wouldn’t trade that time for another meaningless 6 months in radio.
12 years later a recurring theme is readily apparent. 12 years of work, selling beds, cars, loans and insurance have been fun and occasionally fruitful, but really…almost meaningless. Suffice to say I haven’t changed the world. All of the above was a means to an end, supporting a household.
Decisions on employment could be second guessed eternally, but the underlying consideration in all judgments was my kids. I wanted flexibility and freedom to be an active and willing participant in their lives. I work hard and enjoy work, but I am not a workaholic. After losing my own Dad at 13, I couldn’t bear the thought of being the guy who looks back on his life and wishes he spent more time with his children.
Those 3 am feedings and changing poopie diapers was not just for Lori. Bathtime and bedtime were playtime. If it was the straw that broke the camel’s back, it will be the piggyback rides that do me in. There’s pages of stories in my noggin between peek a boo and training wheels, and just as many from that first bike to the first lacrosse practice just 3 months ago.
I’ve made mistakes as a parent and would welcome some do overs, but that’s life. I guess my most sincere hope is that I’ve set a good example, as they learn so much more by seeing and experiencing than they do from hearing me lecture about life.
In 6 months I’ll turn 50. By then I’ll have a teenaged daughter and a 9 year old boy. Exiting college I imagined great things for a 50 year old Bri. I’d have logged decades ruling the radio dial from behind the mike in some major market. Perhaps I’d have retired triumphantly and gone into station ownership.
Alas, I’m just a guy making a living in Anywhere, USA. Yet I feel wealthy as hell, because I AM LUCKY TO BE A FATHER, SO BLESSED to have Kate and Nathan. Time invested in them always brings great returns. They are my pot of gold. So greetings from the end of the rainbow on another great day, that just happens to be called Father’s Day.
Ephrata Girls U12 Soccer G-Force!
Another season of soccer has come and gone. The “G Force” was 2-5 with a 3rd place finish in the Season ending festival. In a show of team solidarity they all sprayed their hair with purple and gold paint and sparkles, then added some face paint with Gold E’s and their jersey number on their cheeks. Earlier this week we had fun at our last practice by dressing up and being silly.
Trick Or Treat Night
Here’s a photo of Kate and Nathan before going out Friday night for Trick or Treat. We were tearing up rags to make Nathan’s Mummy costume only moments before. Less than an hour in the neighborhood filled their bags with a ton of goodies.
Kate Gosselin Meets Brother Weems
Thursday I was at Park City, looking to park near the outdoor fountain shops (which is always next to impossible), and i spotted 3 cars in a row, as if lined up ready to pull into parking spaces. Out of the front vehicle was a blonde with severely sloped hair and oversized superstar sunglasses.
As I pulled down the next row I saw a dude with a camera and bazooka sized telephoto lens. Quickly surmising the situation, i rolled down my window and hollered, “Is that HER?” (meaning Kate Gosselin of course!) He said, “Yes!”
I drove back around, only to see her in her black Toyota SUV pulling out. I called Lori and said, “I’ll give you one guess of who I just saw.” She guessed it right away.
So, thinking the adventure was over, I parked by Penney’s and walked in the mall to go to Wachovia. As I came out of the bank, who should walk right past, but Kate Gosselin. I was confused, as I clearly saw her leave, but what the heck I followed her. I got Lori on the line and start to give the play-by-play. I readied my Flip video camera for anything that might be worth recording.
I don’t know why I expected her to have an entourage, but she didn’t. She walked into the Hallmark store and I stayed out on one of the benches. As she left I was back in pursuit. She stopped to greet a fan before going out the Fountain Shoppes exit. I went out and she was just hanging out by the shrubs near Williams Sonoma. Another fan approached, so I figured what the heck, why not say hi!
“My wife and daughter watch your show ALL the time!” I bellowed.
“Shhh!” She shushed me, “I’m trying to go unnoticed…I want to go over to Ann Taylor without causing a commotion.”
Just then another young girl came up and asked for an autograph. KG pulled out an already signed publicity photo from her purse and gave it to the gushing fan. I said, “You got any more of those? My daughter’s name is Kate too, and she’d love one.” She obliged, I thanked her and left her alone.
After this exchange, I called Lori, who was shopping at WalMart in Ephrata, and she immediately headed for Park City to see if she and our Kate could be part of the action. They made it in there in record time and even went into Ann Taylor, but did not see her.
As I was headed back to my car, I stopped to talked to the paparazzi dude. He’s from NYC and follows whoever in demand. Security rolled up to tell him and his buddy to move along, just she was on her way to her car.
I had seen enough, but Lori & Kate actually followed the photo stalkers on the road as they trailed KG. They tagged along all the way to Berks County before hanging it up.
We felt kind of “dirty” chasing her around, but it was irresistable. It’s a national soap opera playing out on our stage, Lancaaster and Berks Counties, and since the opportunity was there, we played along.
MMMMMMMMMM Popeye’s!!!
It was a sad, sad day when the Popeye’s in Lancaster closed. No more spicy chicken and rice and beans and GRAPE soda ON TAP! Plus blaring blues music while you gorge.
It’s been a few years since I’ve been to a Popeye’s. There’s a few a long RT. 81 in VA and MD, and I made a pit stop last week while travelling to Smith Mountain Lake with the kids. The food was every bit as good as I remembered it. Ditto for the other travelers, as we shared our love of the brand.
No grape soda though, and only Phil Collins on the radio, bummers both.
Amish Mass Transit? Bikepooling?
I was out and about going to Open Houses in and around Ephrata on Sunday and I found myself behind this group. It’s like 6 Amish women on some sort of bicycle built for as many. It looks like they could generate a pretty decent amount of speed. Keep in mind, it’s about 2 pm, 90 degrees and super humid, I’m sweatin in shorts and a golf shirt. Maybe the secret to keeping cool is wearing an all cotton apron dress!